Newsham Park





We, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Liverpool, in Council assembled on the 6th day of June, 1877, under and in pursuance of the powers given to us by " The  Liverpool Improvement and Water Works Act, 1871," do hereby make the following


for the Management and Regulation of Newsham  Park, and of persons resorting thereto: -

1.- This Park shall be open to the .public  every day from five o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening, except between the 1st of April and the 30th of September, during which period it shall be open from  five o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening.

2.- The  time of closing shall be indicated by a Notice at each entrance, and all visitors shall leave the Park at the time mentioned upon the notice.

3.- The  Corporation reserve the right of closing the Park, or any part thereof, and any footpath through the same, on any days in the year not exceeding seven days in the whole, consecutive or otherwise in their discretion, and of charging or allowing any person or persons to whom the use of the Park may have been given, to charge for admission on any of such days such sum as the Corporation may think fit, not exceeding five shillings for each person, provided that the Corporation shall give three days' notice at the least by advertisement in one of the newspapers of Liverpool of their intention to close the Park, or any part thereof, and any footpath, under the power hereby reserved.

4.- No Horse, Mule, or Ass shall be allowed to pass over the grass, or over any other part of the Park, except the Roads from time to time set out by the Corporation as Carriage Roads, or as Equestrian Rides, and no carriage shall be allowed to pass over any part of the Park except the said Carriage Roads without the special permission of the Corporation, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed therein.

5.- No Bicycle, Velocipede, Wheelbarrow, or Truck shall be allowed to enter or be in the Park, without the special permission of the Corporation, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed therein.

6.- No Dog shall be admitted or be in the Park, unless led by a cord or chain, and under the control of the person in charge, and no dog shall be pat into or allowed to  swim in any water in the Park.

7.- No Boat, other than a Model  Yacht, or a Boat not sufficiently large to carry any person, shall be allowed on any of the Lakes, without the special permission of the Corporation, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed therein.

8.- No  person shall sail any Boat on any of the Lakes at such times as the same may have been set apart by the Corporation for the sailing of races of Model Yachts, except the boats entered in, such races, which shall be subject to such regulations as the Corporation may from time to time approve.

9.- No person shall skate, play at cricket, hockey, quoits, curling,  or any other game, except in such parts of the Park or Lakes as may from time to time be set apart by the Corporation for the purpose ; and no person shall interfere with any person skating or playing in any game in such parts of  the Park or Lakes as aforesaid, or throw any stone or other missile within the Park.

10.- No  person shall bathe in any water within the Park, and -  shooting and fishing are strictly prohibited.

11.- No  intoxicated person, and no person attired otherwise than in a decent manner, shall be allowed to enter or be in the Park.

12.- Profane, indecent, offensive, or insulting language or behaviour, gambling, and soliciting alms, are strictly forbidden.

13.- No Refreshments of any kind shall be hawked or sold within the Park, except in the rooms, buildings, or places set apart by the Corporation for that purpose, and no person shall smoke in any building within the Park.

14.- Subject  to such Regulations as to situation and time as the Corporation may make  from  time to time, Bands of Music shall be allowed to play in the Park, except on Sundays.

15.- No  person shall walk upon the Flower Beds, Borders, Shrubberies, or Plantations, or get over any Fence, and no person shall go upon any Grass or upon any Ice where a notice is placed requesting persons not to go upon the same respectively.

16.- No  person shall. beat, shake, or clean any Carpet, Drugget, Mat, or Rug within the Park.

17.- No  Preaching, Lecture, or Public Discussion on any subject, and no Meeting for the purpose of making any political or religious demonstration, or of holding any religious service, shall be allowed in the Park.

18.- No person shall commit damage to or take away any tree, shrub, plant, flower, animal, or fowl, or cut, mark, or otherwise injure any building, bridge, fountain, seat, or other property within the Park.

19.- The Keepers, Constables, and other servants of the Corporation on duty in the Park are hereby empowered to enforce these Byelaws, and to exclude from the Park every person wilfully infringing any of them.

20.- Every person offending against any of these Bye-Laws  shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds in respect of every offence, and to a daily penalty not exceeding Ten Shillings for every day during which any offence shall continue after notice shall have been given by the Corporation to the person offending against such Bye-Laws.

21.- Any person found wilfully damaging or stealing any tree,  shrub, plant, flower, animal, or fowl, or cutting, marking, or  otherwise injuring any building, bridge, fountain, seat or other  property within the Park, may be taken,  into custody by any Park keeper, Constable, or other servant of the Corporation, and dealt  with according to law.



It is to be hoped that all Persons using this Park  will, by example, and all other necessary means, assist the authorities in preserving  decency of behaviour and good order and conformity to the above Regulations.

OCR copy,  December 2004